Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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ShowAmiga96 Version 1.2 (31.12.1997)
This is just another bootpic-viewer, but with some important features:
ShowAmiga96 only works on Amigas, which have installed the Picasso96-
graphicsboard software.
The bootpic is saved in the executeable in chunkypixel-format and there-
fore it can be written into gfx-board-memory in a very short time. (On my
25mHz A4000T with PicassoIV loading and showing is finished in less than
one second.)
After loading the pic, ShowAmiga96 just needs 10k of Amiga-memory. The
picture-data only exists in gfxboard-memory and isn´t buffered. So waste
and fragmentation of Amiga-memory is minimized during boottime.
This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note".
It is MAILWARE as defined in paragraph 4b.
For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher).
I don´t know where I found the nice Amiga-logo, but as I can remember, it´s
just PD.
o any Amiga
o OS 3.0
o Gfx-board with Picasso96-software
If you find some bugs, just contact me.
(Maybe someone wants to correct the english documentation...;-))
The installation is done by an Installer-script. The three programs
ShowAmiga96 (to display the bootpic)
ShowAmiga96_Close (to close the screen)
ShowAmiga96_Prefs (to change the prefs)
will be copied into the selected directories.
After that, the Installer needs to know, which Picasso96-monitordriver you use
and where it is placed. This is necessary because ShowAmiga96 displays the pic
at a moment, when the drivers from DEVS:monitors aren´t loaded yet.
Therefore ShowAmiga96 does it itself before the screen is opened.
The main-executeable is called at the beginning of the startup-sequence.
Editing the startup-sequence will be done by the Installer automatically
(a backup called "Startup-Sequence.SA96" will be created in "S:").
As "Expert", you can edit the startup-sequence or user-startup yourself: after
installation insert the following lines AFTER ENV: HAS BEEN ASSIGNED!!!
run >nil: C:ShowAmiga96 >ram:showamiga96.err
wait 1 sec
At the end you can run the prefs-program. Even if you dont´t want to change
the config, it´s recommended to check the success of the installation. Simply
press the "Test"-Button...and if it works, the following reboot should be no
The prefs-program is based on many Reqtools-requesters, which guide through
the configuration and explain every action - in german :-(
I hope this helps a bit, until the programs are localized...
After a correct installation, ShowAmiga96_Prefs recognizes the mainprog by
a tooltype-entry. Otherwise, a filerequester is opened, where you have to
choose the ShowAmiga96 file.
Having loaded and checked the file, the prefs-program opens the mainmenu,
which offers the following buttons.
Bild In a filerequester you can choose a new bootpic,
which will be converted into chunkypixel-format
and that will be saved into the mainprog. The old
picture will be overwritten.
These IFF-ILBM formats are allowed in this version:
320 x 240 pixel , 256 colors
640 x 480 pixel , 256 colors
800 x 600 pixel , 256 colors
DisplayID ShowAmiga96 detects the best-fitting screenmode it-
self. However if you want to select a special mode,
simply choose one from the list.
MonitorDelay In the appearing requester you can enter a value
(in 1/50 seconds) which will be used as a delay time
after the sa96-screen has been opened. I needed this
function, because my monitor needs nearly one second
to synchronize a new screenmode. After the time has
been elapsed, the fade-in of the bootpic starts.
Einblendgeschwindigkeit In this requester you can select a number from one
to nine that represents the speed for the fade-in.
One is the slowest one.
SA96-Close With these functions you can change the behaviour of
the closer (ShowAmiga96_Close).
WaitWindow After the closer has been launched from wbstartup-
drawer, the program can wait for the appearence of
a special window. This can be e.g. a Toolmanager-
dock which needs some time to draw its images. If
you want your WB to look complete when shown, this
function is the right one for you.
ShowAmiga96_Close only recognizes the windows by
comparing their screen-coordinates, which you can
enter in two requesters (first x, second y). If you
use Toolmanager, you can get the values from the
Toolmanger-prefs. Otherwise there are still tools
like ARTM, RSys, Scout,...
If a window can´t be found at the specified location
(check it with "Test"), the closer waits 15 seconds
and continues.
Fade Effects The ShowAmiga96-screen can be closed by using one of
the following fade effects:
Close: the bootpic will be closed and the
Workbench will appear (simple!)
Fade out: the bootpic will be faded out before
the Workbench appears
FadeWBblack: the bootpic will be faded out to black
and the WB will be faded in
FadeWBwhite: like FadeWBblack, but with white as
(the FadeWBxxx-functions create a copy
of the WB-screen to save the Pensharing
from being disturbed)
(the FadeWBxxx-functions don´t work on
hi/truecolor screens)
Test Simulates a Shell-call of the ShowAmiga96-mainprog.
All changes will be saved automatically.
Pressing the left mousebutton calls the closer with
all its adjustments.
Beenden Quits the prefs-program and saves the configuration
into the ShowAmiga96 mainprogram.
Error Elimination
The errorrequesters of ShowAmiga96 aren´t shown until the WB has been
loaded and therefore don´t disturb the boot-process.
"Can't open Picasso96API.library v. 0"
! Apparently there is no Picasso96-software installed on your system.
"Picasso96 hat keinen passenden Bildschirmmodus
in der Liste der verfügbaren Modi gefunden."
! Picasso96 was unable to find a fitting screenmode. Try to select one
(ShowAmiga96_Prefs - DisplayID). If this fails, you have to define
a new mode with PicassoMode.
"Datenübergabe an Fader und Closer fehlgeschlagen."
! ShowAmiga96 creates a file called "ShowAmiga96.dat" in RAM: to transmit
some data to the closer. If the file could not be written, this message
"Picasso96-Monitortreiber wurde nicht gefunden: xxx"
! The monitordriver you selected during the installation could not be found.
Maybe you installed a new one or moved it to a new place. To update the
mainprog with